Sunday 21 October 2012

Day 2: So far, so good.

I'm coming to the end of my second day in quarantine, so far, so good. On reflection, I think this would be a really difficult thing to do if I didn't enjoy my own company but I really do. It gives me the chance to think and not think and just do what I want to do without any pressures or demands. I feel and I hope it's going to be a productive time for me. I'm finding it very peaceful and relaxed so far and I guess that's because I'm doing everything at my own pace, it's as though any concept of time is non-existent. 

This is my window looking out onto the corridor. The blind has to stay half open all the time, at first I felt a bit apprehensive about this lack of privacy, but honestly, I've got used to it now and it's not so bad as I have an en-suite which I can get dressed in. It's really funny, me and the guy opposite can see each other through our windows. Decided I'd break the ice earlier and give him a cheeky wave, haha.

The view from flu............

I love how you can see St. Pauls and The Shard really faintly in the background

Where all the magic happens.....

Daily schedule

06.20: Symptom diary card
06.30: Temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure
07.10:   Directed physical examination
08.00: Breakfast
10.20: Symptom diary card
10.30: Temperature, blood pressure
11.30: Blood samples. Exploratory bloods: PBMC (x3 tubes), RNA (x 3 tubes) influenza serology (x 1 tube)
13.00: Lunch
14.20: Symptom diary card
14.30: Temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure
17.40: Dinner
18.20: Symptom diary card
18.30: Temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure
22.20: Symptom diary card
22.30: Temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure

Today has gone quicker than I thought it would. I've been skyping friends and family all day and watching  Breaking Bad, lush. Dad has been referring to me as 'Fludude' and Flucamp as 'The Flu Flucker Trial'......rolling my eyes and sighing as I write this.....

 I plan on studying from tomorrow, thought I'd give myself a few days to settle in first. Really looking forward  to doing a lot of reading. Rinsed Goldsmiths library good and proper....

 Tomorrow I will be given the flu........and the fun begins. I'm confident I won't be so ill that I won't be able to do anything, that would be pants. No idea how I'm going to feel/how crap it's going to make me's all a mystery......

Ordered one of my faves from their very limited DVD selection today.....lush......

By Tuesday I think I'll have a good routine to my day going. It's only the end of the second day and I feel like I've got used to my schedule already. The doctors, nurses and biochemists are all so friendly and considerate, they really prioritize making sure you're alright. I'm glad I'm feeling really comfortable. I dread to think of what it would be like if I didn't! If there's one thing I've learned about myself so far it's that I've got an adaptable nature.

It's 23.30 now so I'm going to go to Bedfordshire now and have some sweet dreams.

Looking forward to what tomorrow brings......(other than flu)

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