Monday 22 October 2012

Day 3: Flu me up, baby.

So today I've been inoculated, which means I officially have flu......or not because it's a double-blind placebo controlled study, I could have nothing, which will mean 11 days of quarantine and no illness, brill! Had a busy day so far, my schedules slightly changed now I've been inoculated. I now have a spirometry in the morning and an ecg in the afternoon. Also have to put my used tissues in a bag - absolutely LUSH. 

I could apparently be feeling symptoms by the end of the's a bizarre position to be in, waiting to feel ill! 

Day 3: Video update. Inoculation and foggy weather!

Had a skype with my brother Pete earlier. It was so funny, because he was skyping from his iPhone. For ages it was as though I was taking to a kettle because the iPhone 3Gs only has a camera on the back! Haha!!

I feel like I've been thoroughly entertained so far by friends and family on skype!

My friend Lotte asked me if it was feeling weird and to be honest, it doesn't. I've got used to being here. The people who work here are so friendly and considerate that they instantly make you feel comfortable in what really is for most people, an unconventional environment. One thing that I realized makes a huge difference to settling in is having a daily routine, it also makes time go a lot quicker.

Bon apetite..........

              Just eat the most unfish and chip tasting fish and chips and I've ever eaten, haha.

Had a funny/awkward moment with the guy in the room opposite me during inoculation today. I can't stop laughing to myself just thinking about it. I hope I can justify the hilarity of the situation now...... was after I'd  been given my dose of flu, I was sat in bed and I looked over at the guy opposite and he was sat on his bed too and there was a massively awkward moment of eye contact... . with a great big peg on his nose aaaaaaaaaaah it was so funny. It was the way he looked at me so sternly, clearly embarrassed I looked away so quickly it must have been so obvious how amusing I found it.


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