Saturday 27 October 2012

Saturday: A week later....

I can't comprehend the fact that I've been here a week! It has floooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn by. It is quite disorientating as you lose all sense of what day it is. Today I feel as well as I did a week ago, which just goes to show that doing Flucamp doesn't necessarily mean you're going to get ill - bonus!

So I see I missed some blue skies today, but I've been glad to avoid the apparently freeeeeeezing cold temperature!! It's going to be a shock to the system when I step out those doors. Really looking forward to wearing all my cozy winter attire! 

I always look so possessed at the start of all my videos.....

If you haven't already, have a look at my tumblr of all the photos I've taken of the view from flu this week all in one place! -

In four days I'm going to be back in the big bad outside world. On the same day I leave I have a job interview later on in Covent Garden.....fingers crossed, it's all go go go. Mum says I do too much, she is always right as I've come to realize, however, I'm not going to change my ways anytime soon, soz mum. She really isn't happy about me doing Flucamp, which is to be expected because after all she's my mum so she's going to feel concerned....and she's a nurse which makes her even more wary! I'm sure when it's over and I've come out in one piece, she'll understand how much I've benefit from it.

There's always sooooooo many red squiggly lines over all my writing, I can't spell for shit!

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