Friday 26 October 2012

The view from flu

I've decided to put the photos I've taken with my iPhone on tumblr. They aren't great quality and I don't claim to be the most skilled photographer in the world but I like to think they have been taken with a creative eye! Some lovely views of East London.

Here's the link -

I didn't realize that if you've not got a tumblr account you can't look at peoples profiles - I know a lot of people probably don't have it so I'm just got to put some of the photos on here as well!

My favourite is a photo I took on Wednesday when it was sunny. It's of two builders in the distance on some scaffolding on the roof of a house. It would have been an amazing photo if I'd have used a camera with higher megapixels and a lens, but it's still a lush photo regardless. You see the builders silhouettes faintly against the back drop of a clear sky. 

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