Friday 26 October 2012

Fit as a fiddle

It's Friday and I'm still feeling pretty normal, still only mild symptoms on and off. The last couple of days have been back to standard procedure, very chilled. Although, this morning I had my blood sample taken at 6am which clearly really woke me up! The past couple of days have been productive, I've been reading a lot, especially yesterday as I felt very alert all day (buzzing from the drug maybe? ha).

Everyone has been asking me if I've gone nuts yet from being confined to my room, surprisingly not, like I said before, I think it depends massively on how you utilize your time and how much you like your own company. I'm wild enough as it is anyway, with or without 11 days in confinement.
Although I haven't lost it yet, I do wonder how being back in the outside world is going to affect me. Will it all be a bit too much? Will I feel anxious? Will I be able able to cope with being surrounded by lots of people? Will I be more irritable? I don't think it will affect me that much to be honest as I consider myself to be stronger than that, but these are some of the feelings people can experience who have been engaged in reclusive behavior or a similar circumstance of confinement. To be honest, although I did a lot of research into the nature of medical trials prior to arriving in quarantine, I didn't investigate much into other peoples individual experiences of Flucamp before I arrived, I wanted it to remain a bit unpredictable. If I had looked at what other people had written and videos they had taken of their experience I would have had too many preconceptions of what to expect, which would have been no fun.

A number of people who have are interested in doing Flucamp or have had their first blood test, have been commenting on my videos on YouTube  Although I personally didn't want to know too much before I got here, I'm glad that my videos have been helpful to those people who are interested but just need a bit of reassurance and an idea of what general day to day life here is like. 
So in terms of flu - really not a lot is happening! I keep being asked 'are you ill yet?' by friends and family and I'm being told that if I don't get ill soon my blog is going to get incredibly boring, haha, despite how well I'm feeling I will do my best to maintain your interest!

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